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    West Point 結果共3筆

  • MOTC voices safety concerns over China’s flight path changes

    Taiwan’s Minister of Transportation and Communications, Wang Kuo-tsai, expresses regret after China unilaterally adjusts flight routes, raising aviation safety concerns. The decision to cancel the "offset measure" for the M503 flight route and start east to west operations near Taiwan without bilateral negotiation has led to potential conflicts between civilian and military aircraft. The proximity of Route M503 to the Taipei Flight Information Region poses a risk, with the nearest point just 4.2 nautical miles away. Take-off and landing in Matsu and Kinmen without prior consultation could also raise safety issues. The national security units are now handling the situation and consulting with the Civil Aviation Administration and the military to develop responsive measures.
    2024/02/01 12:18
  • 有片/時光膠囊開箱結果大逆轉 西點軍校挖出200年寶物

    美國西點軍校(West Point)日前高調聚集全校師生,甚至在開啟網路直播,就為了見證一個從1820年封存至今的「時光膠囊」,沒想到開封後,眾人卻只看見空蕩蕩盒子底部和泥土,讓師生一度感到非常失望。不過在校內學者不放棄努力搜查後,《英國廣播公司》(BBC)報導,他們在泥土底下挖到寶藏,發現6枚古老硬幣和一枚紀念獎章,這批硬幣鑄成年代落在1795至1828年,獎章則是紀念1825年,連結紐約和五大湖水域的伊利運河(Erie Canal)竣工啟用。
    2023/09/01 09:40
  • 尷尬!西點軍校高調開封200年時光膠囊 一開全場靜默 

    美國西點軍校(West Point)日前高調聚集全校師生,甚至在開啟網路直播,就為了見證一個從1820年封存至今的「時光膠囊」,所有人都好奇裡面究竟藏了什麼,有人猜測是舊版美國國旗、軍靴、或是軍校紀念戒指,但根據《洛杉磯時報》(Los Angeles Times)等媒體報導,當膠囊開封後,現場氣氛卻突然凍結,因為裡面並沒有大家期待的絕版寶物,底部除了一堆泥土外什麼都沒有。
    2023/08/30 15:11
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